Here, a series of actions performed for the camera with the intentions to visualise some philosophical thoughts and stimulate the viewer imagination and interpretation.
These actions/images are presented individually or as an ongoing series of single mounted photographs.

The PhotoPerformer in Action -
as a hunter of ghostly images.
(Joshua Tree 2014)
Picture taken by Maria Sideri under specific instruction, using my equipment.

The PhotoPerformer in Action -
manifesting the self through a symbolic pose of exchange.
(New York 2015)
Picture taken using a timer function.

The PhotoPerformer in Action -
as an anthropologist documenting their own life as a case study for the others.
(Shillong 2016)
Picture taken by an assistant under specific instruction, using my equipment.

The PhotoPerformer in Action -
carrying the weight of their responsibility to communicate with and for the others.
(Chicago 2015)
Picture taken by an assistant under specific instruction, using my equipment.

The PhotoPerformer in Action -
caged by the power of the medium.
(NY 2015)
Picture taken by an assistant under specific instruction, using my equipment.

The PhotoPerformer in Action -
changing the mythology.
(Boston 2015)
Picture taken by Vela Phelan under specific instruction, using my equipment.

The PhotoPerformer in Action -
existing through the gaze of the others.
(London 2014)
Picture taken by an assistant under specific instruction, using my equipment.

The PhotoPerformer in Action -
transgressing photographic rules.
(Sao Paulo 2015)
Picture taken by a friend under specific instruction, using my equipment.

The PhotoPerformer in Action -
a creature among creatures.
(Chicago 2014)
Picture taken by an assistant under specific instruction, using my equipment.

The PhotoPerformer in Action -
not alone!
(Shillong 2015)
Picture taken by a passer-by under specific instruction, using my equipment.

The PhotoPerformer in Action -
aware of their ability to affect social memory.
(Hangzhou 2016)
Picture taken by an assistant under specific instruction, using my equipment.

The PhotoPerformer in Action -
staging an alternative mythology of photography.
(NY 2015)
Picture taken by Marita Isobel Solberg under specific instruction, using my equipment.

The PhotoPerformer in Action -
operating the medium as trap.
(Shillong 2016)
Picture taken by an assistant under specific instruction, using my equipment.

The PhotoPerformer in Action -
practicing an apparatus of connection.
(Sao Paulo 2015)
Picture taken with a remote controller.

The PhotoPerformer in Action -
hunting of future memories.
(Shillong 2016)
Picture taken using a timer function.

The PhotoPerformer in Action -
believing in photography as the art of touching.
(Hangzhou 2016)
Picture taken by an assistant under specific instruction, using my equipment.

The PhotoPerformer in Action -
playing photography as a game of authority.
(Hangzhou 2016)
Picture taken by an assistant under specific instruction, using my equipment.

The PhotoPerformer in Action -
preoccupied by the paralysis of life inside the image.
(Hangzhou 2016)
Picture taken by an assistant under specific instruction, using my equipment.
The PhotoPerformer in Action -
fighting the distance that photography is creating.
(Beijing 2008)
Picture taken by Alexander Tovey under specific instruction, using my equipment.

The PhotoPerformer in Action -
testing their sexuality through the lens.
(Hangzhou 2016)
Picture taken by an assistant under specific instruction, using my equipment.

The PhotoPerformer in Action -
encouraging photographic therapy.
(Lima 2013)
Picture taken by an assistant under specific instruction, using my equipment.

The PhotoPerformer in Action -
living behind a thin layer of glass.
(Sao Paulo 2014)
Picture taken by Maurizio Mancioli under specific instruction.
“Becoming an Image is a ‘topos’: it testifies to an age-old urge to transcend the boundaries of space and time that confine the human body.”
(The PhotoPerformer 2016)